Devotions for dating couples samuel adams
Dating > Devotions for dating couples samuel adams
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Dating > Devotions for dating couples samuel adams
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If you are like most dating couples, you are looking for more than just a companion - you want a soul mate! Scripture quotations noted NLT are from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Through short chapters focused on such essential topics as prayer, simplicity, community, and purity, you will discover how to make your most important love relationships—with God and your potential mate—strong, lasting, and radiant.
Devotions FOR DATING COUPLES OTHER BOOKS BY BEN YOUNG AND DR. If you are like most dating couples, you are looking for more than just a companion - you want a soul mate. He earned his master's from Western Tout and a doctorate from George Fox University. In addition, this devotional is a resource to help serious dating couples or engaged couples begin to build a foundation of spiritual intimacy in order to promote the kind of marriage that will last a lifetime. This dynamic book, Devotions for Dating Custodesoffers guidance for deepening your commitment to God as individuals and as a couple. You see, God is always waiting for you with open arms, and He longs for a deeper connection.
Scripture quotations noted The Message are from The Message: The New Testament in Contemporary English. Learn to announcement well. Intended as an eight-week study, weekday devotions are to be completed by both individuals, and each weekend study is to be completed together as a couple.
0785267492 - Devotions for Dating Couples: Building a Foundation for Spiritual Intimacy by Ben Young; Samuel Adams - Unfortunately far too many people are merely concerned with finding a companion or a playmate rather than a soul mate.
Devotions FOR DATING COUPLES OTHER BOOKS BY BEN YOUNG AND DR. SAMUE L ADAMS Copyright © 2001 by Ben Young and Dr. Samuel Adams All rights reserved. Written permission must be secured from the publisher to use or reproduce any part of this book, except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles. Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are from the HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. Scripture quotations noted KJV are from the KING JAMES VERSION. Scripture quotations noted The Message are from The Message: The New Testament in Contemporary English. Copyright © 1993 by Eugene H. Scripture quotations noted PHILLIPS are from J. Phillips: THE NEW TESTAMENT IN ENGLISH, Revised Edition. Phillips 1958, 1960, 1972. Used by permission of Macmillan Publishing Co. Scripture quotations noted NKJV are from THE NEW KING JAMES VERSION. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982, Thomas Nelson Publishers. Scripture quotations noted NLT are from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Scripture quotations noted NASB are from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, © Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Young, Ben. Dating Social Customs —Religious aspects—Christianity. S5 Y68 2002 248. CONTENTS Introduction Week One: Love Week Two: Grace Week Three: Prayer Week Four: The Word Week Five: Simplicity Week Six: Forgiveness Week Seven: Community Week Eight: Purity Week Nine: The Spirit About the Authors Devotions FOR DATING COUPLES INTRODUCTION Have you ever stopped to consider how much time, energy, and emotion you spend on your outer self, the externals of life? The overwhelming majority of your life is spent on the externals—making money, eating, exercising, entertaining, shopping, sleeping, and so on. Such focus and attention are legitimate and even necessary for basic living. However, in contrast, consider how much attention you give to your inner life. How much time do you actually spend nurturing your soul? Is your relationship with God a priority? If it is, then this devotional will guide you toward a more active, on-going relationship with your Creator, God. Devotions for Dating Couples is designed to encourage you to take a look inside and focus more deliberately on your inner life. First and foremost, it is a resource to help you enhance and nourish your spiritual life and your personal relationship with God. There is no greater endeavor than the process of developing a deeper connection with God. This guide will lead you on your spiritual journey. In addition, this devotional is a resource to help serious dating couples or engaged couples begin to build a foundation of spiritual intimacy in order to promote the kind of marriage that will last a lifetime. We are convinced that the essence of a true soul mate relationship is that of deep spiritual connection. Unfortunately far too many people are merely concerned with finding a companion or a playmate rather than a soul mate. A true soul mate relationship can be attained only when there are a solid level of spiritual compatibility and a mutual agreement that the marriage centers on a relationship with God. Once you find a partner who has the potential for a true soul mate relationship, then you can start to lay a foundation of spiritual intimacy upon which to build in years to come. This resource is for couples who are in a long-term dating relationship with a view toward marriage. It is not necessarily intended for couples who are casually dating or in the early stages of a relationship. Therefore, we advise you to be cautious and mindful of this danger. In our book The Ten Commandments of Dating, we warn couples to take their relationship slowly and allow for a natural bonding to take place over time. We offer seven slow-motion dating strategies, one of which is the need to avoid praying together until the relationship has a chance to grow and develop in other areas. In the spirit of this principle, we suggest that spiritual intimacy should be reserved for committed couples in the later stages of the relationship, committed couples who have their eyes on marriage. A USER-FRIENDLY GUIDE We hope to make this devotional a user-friendly guide that enables you to explore core issues of spirituality. Our focus is on the basic, foundational aspects of spirituality: the Christian virtues and practices of love, grace, prayer, Bible study, simplicity, forgiveness, community, purity, and living in the power of the Holy Spirit. A significant part of the process of developing a rich, rewarding spiritual life is just a matter of showing up and paying attention. When we make ourselves available to God, to listen to the whisper of His Spirit, or when we put ourselves in positions of solitude and simply allow ourselves to be still and know, we make room for God to be a part of our lives. Only when we take out the distractions of our chaotic lives do we allow God to participate in transforming our lives and relationships into all He intended them to be. HOW TO USE THIS DEVOTIONAL This devotional is designed to be used daily for nine weeks. Each week is devoted to one primary discipline or area. The first five days of the week Monday through Friday will challenge you on your individual walk with God and should be done alone. At the end of each daily devotional there is a place for further meditation on designated portions of Scriptures. The Christian version of meditation is about reflection and focus on a particular topic. Far from the Eastern version of meditation, which encourages you to empty your mind, this form of meditation encourages you to fill your mind with the things of God and then take the time to reflect or chew on them. Of course, we want you to be prayerful as you study and read Scripture during these nine weeks. We have provided a section at the end of each week devoted to prayer. We have found that having some form of structure during a prayer time is helpful. Feel free to use the suggested outline P. In addition, please use the space provided to write down or journal your thoughts and prayers to God. Saturday is reserved for you and your partner to answer questions and share insights from the previous week of study together. We hope to stimulate meaningful discussion between yourselves about the most important aspects of the Christian faith. Keep in mind that the ultimate goal of this devotional is to enhance your relationship with God, both as individuals and as a couple. Our prayer is that God will use this study to stimulate growth, to bless you with fresh insights, and to encourage a deeper walk with Him. Sunday provides the opportunity for you and your partner to attend church together. We are convinced that one of the greatest ways to enhance spiritual compatibility is to praise and worship God together with a group of believers. Furthermore, church attendance can be a catalyst for sharing with each other the things that God may be teaching you. We are certain that God relentlessly pursues a closer relationship with you, and to that end, He is not hard to find. You see, God is always waiting for you with open arms, and He longs for a deeper connection. So come along and let us encourage you on the spiritual path toward a deeper relationship with eternal God. WEEK ONE Love They do not love that do not show their love. Do ordinary things with extraordinary love. And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him. The first time you held hands? The thought, Could this be the one? Few things on this earth can compare with that magical experience most of which are illegal. The feeling of romantic love is flat-out intoxicating. I remember that initial connection with my wife, Julie, when I thought, Nothing could be better than this! I was dead wrong. Oh, sure, that passionate love was great and it still is. Passion and romance are certainly legitimate forms of love and important in the process of bringing men and women together. But passionate love is just a taste of something better. It points us to a higher love, a true love. God is not only the Author and Designer of love; He is the very essence of this thing we call love. He is the pure Embodiment of genuine love. Therefore, it stands to reason that our need.